Captura de ecrã 2023-07-20, às 18.02.47.png


  1. Abstract (max 500 characters) This summer, predictions, inspirations, and moodboards for a “tomato girl summer” began to create buzz on TikTok, thanks to the unique name and picturesque look. It is all about embracing the themes of a romantic European summer. Similar to the “that girl” phenomenon, the hashtag is embracing a certain lifestyle and outlook of a woman. The visualization of “tomato girl summer” on social media portrays the ideal summer girl, wearing dresses with big patterns and enjoying a delightful picnic. The female identity has been evolving over time, from working woman to “that woman” and further distinguishing themselves as “onion girl”, and “strawberry girl” etc. Women are searching for ways to identify themselves, either fit into the mainstream or create new identities. Social media is playing an important role. This project is to analyze the image retrieved from the related hashtag so as to understand how the image of “tomato girl” evolved and the image of “tomato girl” is portrayed on different social media platforms. A genealogy study of fruit-inspired girls will also be conducted.

  2. Data and Data Description Data from 2 social media platforms will be analyzed

Tiktok Instagram
Thumbnails Images
Engagement Engagement
Word use Word use
Body Descriptions

Hashtags: #tomatogirl #tomatogirlaesthetic #tomatogirlsummer #tomatogirls

For instagram we got:

#tomatogirl - 96 post

#tomatogirlsummer - 207 post

#tomatogirlasesthetic - 42 post

#tomatogirls - 73 posts

We put 500 posts are the data to collect for each hashtag on phantombuster but even with there being more posts in the hashtags because of instagrams restrictions we were only able to get this number.

For tiktok we got:

#tomatogirl - 203 posts

#tomatogirlsummer - 306 posts

#tomatogirlaesthetic - 246 posts

#tomatogirls - 230 posts